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Showing posts from April, 2019

Vedic astrology free lesson Knowledge on Fire signs- Lesson 4

FIRE SIGNS CALLED AS MESHADI RASHIS  STARTING FROM ARIES, LEO , SAGGITARIUS are fire signs hence called Meshadi rashis. CHARACTERISTICS OF FIRE SIGNS The fire signs nature  are restless in nature, energetic , optimistic and also assertive in nature. HOW TO USE IT IN PREDICTIONS When fire signs are dominating in the chart more planets in the fire signs the qualities of the personality will dominate with the above given traits. ASTROVEDICSOLUTIONS

Secrets of Ayanamsa-Lesson 6 on Panchanga

LONGITUDES The longitudes of planets thus calculated are known as Sayana or tropical longitudes. SAYANA OR NIRAYANA LONGITUDES  In Hindu astrology, we use sidereal or Nirayana longitudes. KNOWLEDGE OF AYANAMSA  To arrive at sidereal or Nirayana longitudes we need to have a knowledge of “Ayanamsa I will take you to the next step on the knowledge of Ayanamsa. ASTRO SRIKRISHNAN ASTROVEDICSOLUTIONS

A guide to Panchanga at any age Lesson 5 - Drik Siddhanta

DRIK SIDDHANTA OR DRIK GANITHA The modern Astronomical method of Drik Ganitham or Drik Siddhantha allows validation of the calculated planetary positions using the complicated and rigorous mathematical equations resulted in an accurate planetary positions of the planets. System of Accurate planetary positions The system of accurate planetary positions hence called as Drik Siddhanta. Astro srikrishnan # Astrovedicsolutions 


QUIZ 475 a Male chart given below we asked following questions. Q 1) In this male horoscope which house among 12 houses is damaged? Q 2 ) Why his married life was miserable what could be the reason ? Q 3 ) There are 2 main dosha in this chart what are they how it will affect the native? QUESTION 1 q1) right answer is 12th house. If 12th house is damaged man cant sleep with a partner in Bed or no bed pleasures or if you marry many females but he wont be blessed with bed related pleasures. In this house on a male chart there should not be a malefic graha or there should not be a graha yuddha or there should not be athamana  or there should not be conjunction of planets or retrograde planets if these places are afflicted then 12th house will be destroyed. Now see the chart below in this chart there are 2 fire planets sun and mars in 12th house. Maandi also joined in this house and there is a secret if so placed . Plus there are two more secrets in this chart which w


VEDIC ASTROLOGY FREE PREDICTIONS In this post Blog followers will have a chance to ask any doubts on astrology or topics or one can ask any doubt which is related to their charts. WHAT TO DO FOR GETTING FREE PREDICTIONS OR ANSWERS FROM US. One should post after doing the following. 1) You should be follower of our Blog click follow button to follow our blog. 2) Please post your chart data if you ask about charts as per below format. DATE OF BIRTH PLACE OF BIRTH TIME OF BIRTH ( IN 24 HOUR FORMAT) 3) If you wish to ask query on astrology ask your query on astrology we will try to get you an answer or through a course itself. ASTROVEDICSOLUTIONS.


ROLE OF PLANETS & IMPORTANCE The planets are capable to influence the human mind according to the planet quality and tencies on the way their influences always work in every walk of life in the human being. Good & Bad aspects Good influence will be felt when good aspects are there. Bad influence will be influence under bad aspects. Bad aspect is termed as a planet in affliction or afflicting. ASTROSRIKRISHNAN #ASTROVEDICSOLUTIONS

Vedic astrology free course -Lesson 2 - What is the meaning of houses..

THE HOUSE IN ASTROLOGY The Houses represent the environment ,circumstances and also conditions of human life at any given point of time. Each house has its own specialities .  THE CUSP OF THE HOUSE Each sign is a state of satisfaction and a House is transparent happening inside the house. The beginning of the house is known as the Cusp of the house.  BHAVA MADHYA  The house extends from the cusp of the house to the cusp of the next house which is called as Bhava Madhya which is widely accepted by Indian and Western astrologers.  Bhava Madhya is the most sensitive point in a Horoscope which should be taken as a serious observation during delineation of the chart. ASTROSRIKRISHNAN

Vedic astrology Free course online -Lesson 1 What is the meaning of Sign?

Signs They indicate the trend and the quality of the human mind at any given point of time according to the nature of the sign. The signs actually give the power to resist against odd environments or circumstances for the people. I had tried to define the signs in a simple lucid way to understand the meaning of a sign. I shall go deeper in my next article about the signs and its nature. ASTROVEDICSOLUTIONS.

A guide to Panchangam at any age Surya Siddhanta - Lesson 4

Another  Panchanga  based  on  Surya  Siddhantham  mentions that  one should observe the sky and make necessary corrections to  planetary formulae called as (Bija Samskar) in order to make an accurate  Panchanga and then to use it. Surya Siddhantham in the older days used to give more  accurate planetary positions but subsequent users did not know  how to apply  Bija Samskar and adjust for natural changes through  the years resulting in calculated planetary positions deviating  from the actual planetary positions in the sky. Astrovedicsolutions


The Vakyam is an ancient system where planetary motions are described in simple sentences (hence the vakya name had come from Vakya means sentences). Vakya Panchangam is computed based on Slokas or Vakyas given to the practitioners of this school. In addition to the Slokas, there are also Sutras, which help to make simple additions and subtractions. The Slokas and Sutras together provide the formulae which is required for the preparation of the Vakya Panchangam. Vakya Panchangam is Shastra based and accordingly has provisions to decide a ritual according to shastraas which I will explain through an example . Suppose one wish to check on Ekadasi, Dwadasi or Pradosham and such other things observance of religious rites etc , Vakya Panchangam is sufficient. Astrologers who need to have as precise knowledge of planetary positions of day for astrological predictions, Vakya Panchangam may not be sufficient as there can be significant deviations between the positions. How

At Last, The Secret To SIGNIFICANCE OF HOROSCOPE Is Revealed----LESSON 1

THE TWELVE SIGNS The twelve signs of the Zodiac form the basic clock relating to the journey of the Sun through the heavens, a cycle that takes a year to complete. This astrological year starts in the late March at the time when the Sun enters Aries. Thereafter the signs change at monthly intervals. The Zodiac is divided into twelve Signs or Rashis. Theoretically each sign is of 30 degrees. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac followed by Taurus and the others . THE ZODIAC CHART  The Zodiac chart is the map of the heavens at the time of the event is under reference. Hence the birth chart is the map of the heavens at the time of the birth at the given place of birth of the child and is known as the “Birth Chart” or the Horoscope. THE RISING SIGN OR ASCENDANT The rising sign at the time of the birth is known as the Ascendant and signifies the East direction and is also the 1 st house of the horoscope. The sign opposite the ascendant is known as the descendan

Lesson 2 - How to know which Panchanga is used for chart reading by astrologers

SUNRISE AND ITS IMPORTANCE IN PANCHANGA Usually the prevailing Nakshatra, Tithi, Karanam and Yoga on any  day are calculated at the sunrise time of the day. Sunrise of the day is given lots of importance hence. SUN AND MOON AND ITS IMPORTANCE Further, the ending times of Nakshatram, Tithi, Yogam and Karanam are also given.   For calculating Nakshatra, Tithi, Karanam and Yogam, the exact longitudes (ecliptic positions) of Ravi and Chandra ( Sun and Moon ) are needed. In addition, their daily motions are required.  I NDIAN EPHEMERIS We need hence precise/accurate positions of Ravi and Chandra. These are available from ephemeris (table of astronomical calculations). Indian ephemeris is published every year by Indian astronomical ephemeris and it is available for reference.

Lesson 1 - The introduction of Panchanga how to use it?

SAGES  ESTABLISHING PLANETARY RELATIONSHIP The great respectable sages have established the relationship between planetary movements in the sky and the way they have influenced the destiny of life on earth, besides predicting auspicious and inauspicious times that are used to perform various activities in our daily life. PANCHANGA AND ITS IMPORTANCE The calendar that contains all these times & data   is called as Panchanga, which, in literal sense means five limbs of Vedic astrology . THE FIVE LIMBS IN PANCHANGA The five limbs of astrological significance are (1) Tithi, (2) Vaara, (3) Karanam, (4) Nakshatram, and (5) Yogam. According to our Hindu Panchangam the day is always reckoned from sunrise on a day to next day’s sunrise whereas the Tithi, Nakshatram change at anytime during the 24 hours.   In contrast to this, in the Gregorian calendar, which starts on 1st Jan and finishes on 31st Dec., the day and the date changes at midnight every da y. C

Lessons on Yoga - Lesson 1

How to study a Yoga? Yoga means combinations. Yoga means a special or a combination which can add strength to the horoscope while in reading or it can have powers to remove also. Let us study now how to study the strength of the yoga through various lessons. To form a yoga we need more than one planet to term it as Yoga. So study of the planets become then very important . We should then classify the planets . How to classify them . Here it goes. Planets will be classified as 1) Benefic 2) Malefic 3) Neutral. We will continue in next lesson about how to study the yoga in depth. Astro srikrishnan Visit my Facebook page also.

The Fascinating secrets of Tithi for Prosperity -Lesson 2


Astrology quiz - answer to quiz 476 from # ASTROVEDICSOLUTIONS