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VEDIC ASTROLOGY FREE PREDICTIONS In this post Blog followers will have a chance to ask any doubts on astrology or topics or one can ask any doubt which is related to their charts. WHAT TO DO FOR GETTING FREE PREDICTIONS OR ANSWERS FROM US. One should post after doing the following. 1) You should be follower of our Blog click follow button to follow our blog. 2) Please post your chart data if you ask about charts as per below format. DATE OF BIRTH PLACE OF BIRTH TIME OF BIRTH ( IN 24 HOUR FORMAT) 3) If you wish to ask query on astrology ask your query on astrology we will try to get you an answer or through a course itself. ASTROVEDICSOLUTIONS.

Secrets of Ayanamsa-Lesson 6 on Panchanga

LONGITUDES The longitudes of planets thus calculated are known as Sayana or tropical longitudes. SAYANA OR NIRAYANA LONGITUDES  In Hindu astrology, we use sidereal or Nirayana longitudes. KNOWLEDGE OF AYANAMSA  To arrive at sidereal or Nirayana longitudes we need to have a knowledge of “Ayanamsa I will take you to the next step on the knowledge of Ayanamsa. ASTRO SRIKRISHNAN ASTROVEDICSOLUTIONS

Vedic astrology free lesson Knowledge on Fire signs- Lesson 4

FIRE SIGNS CALLED AS MESHADI RASHIS  STARTING FROM ARIES, LEO , SAGGITARIUS are fire signs hence called Meshadi rashis. CHARACTERISTICS OF FIRE SIGNS The fire signs nature  are restless in nature, energetic , optimistic and also assertive in nature. HOW TO USE IT IN PREDICTIONS When fire signs are dominating in the chart more planets in the fire signs the qualities of the personality will dominate with the above given traits. ASTROVEDICSOLUTIONS